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The Little Adventurer

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Nature play

What is nature play? What does play with the nature mean to you? Do you love to be outside? Do you feel free and connected when you're...

Adventurer Blog

Getting back to our roots 🍂 It's been really difficult to have adventures and play while Little has been getting used to school. I felt...

Adventurer Blog!

Well that week went past in a blur! We hope you all had a fantastic first week at school or first week back! Little settled in straight...

Adventurer Blog!

Gosh hasn’t summer gone so fast!? Although we didn’t really have much of a summer because Little was still attending nursery until last...

Apologies for our absence!

Where do I begin? So much has happened since I last post I’ve been putting off and putting off writing and then it became too late I...

Adventurer blog

Our holiday! The little adventurer has recently been on his holidays. This holiday was cancelled a few months back and we managed to...

Adventurer blog

Natural loose part play! Nature for The Little Adventurer is a very important factor of his play and learning. It’s beneficial to his...

Adventurer Blog

Coming out of sheilding. Shielding has been a very difficult time for all of us, not just us three, our entire family it’s been such a...

Adventurer blog

The Little Adventurer loves going for walks and helping to take the dog out for her walks. Every time we go out he brings with him his...

Adventurer blog

Potty training! The little adventurer has taken a huge interest in the toilet recently, he’s been using his little toilet seat and stool...

Adventurer blog

Dinosaur Week. This week the little adventurer has been busy exploring dinosaurs, dinosaurs happens to be his favourite thing right now,...

Adventurer blog

The Little Adventurer has had a busy few weeks, it’s been a difficult time amidst the Covid-19 crisis, Daddy Adventurer is home under the...

Adventurer blog

Living life in colour! What a brilliant week the little adventurer has had exploring colour!! He has climbed up and down the rainbow,...

Adventurer blog

Happy Easter! This week the little adventurer has had lots of fun activities revolving around Easter. Due to lockdown of Covid-19 we are...

Adventurer blog

Mud kitchen! We’ve recently stumbled upon the idea of having a mud kitchen, you know, the outdoors play table with kitchen items and your...

Adventurer blog

Moving into the big room! This week the little adventurer moved into the large room which has been renovated and redecorated into a...

Adventurer blog

Nature play! The little adventurer and adventurer in training are absolutely enjoying taking part in playing outdoors, playing with...

Adventurer blog

A month of nature! This month the little adventurer is participating in the nature play initiative. This is an Instagram hashtag were...

Adventurer blog

It‘s snowing! The little adventurer was super excited when we had the tiniest flurry of snow, he stood at the window watching it falling...

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‘To live is the rarest thing in the world, most people exist, that is all’                                       Oscar Wilde 

If you’re inspired to start your own adventures or are just looking for a chat, please do reach out! We aim to respond as quickly as possible so please do bare with us. 
We look forward to hearing from you. 

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