Gosh hasn’t summer gone so fast!?
Although we didn’t really have much of a summer because Little was still attending nursery until last week.
We’ve spent lots of time together, a few nice days out, we had a lovely family holiday to the seaside as well as finish our garden renovation.
I’ve been spending the last few weeks getting Little prepared to start school.
we’ve been doing a lot of play around basic school activities like recognising his name, counting to 5 and cutting activities. he’s really enjoyed playing and learning through play. he’s so confident at writing his own name makes me so proud how far he’s come. Little loves counting account absolutely anything but we focus on 0 to 5 mainly because that’s what his school will be focusing on during his first year.
We are officially ready to start school he actually starts in the morning!
All of his uniform is labelled, he knows how to put it all on he can take it off for PE! He can put his shoes on and off he can put on his coat! I’ve been using his lunchbox at lunchtime so he knows how to get his lunch out, I’ve made sure he puts the boxes back away he knows how to use his water bottle too!
He’s a very independent child he’s been able to use the toilet a while so I’m very comfortable with him starting school and I know he’ll be fine he’s definitely ready and he’s a social butterfly completely opposite to to Mummy!
It’s going to be a very big change for all of us we all have to change our routine I hope it doesn’t affect Titch too much, we’ll see how it goes!
Good luck to all those going back to school for all those with a new starter like me it’s okay to cry!