When the weather gets colder and we want to stay home in the warmth is easy to miss the beauty that winter can offer.
This week I bring you five really easy activities you can do with your little ones during winter.
Firstly, my tips are wrap up warm, layer up and have a flask of hot chocolate, ready to warm up afterwards or even a hot bath.
1.Mark making in the snow - all you need is some coloured water and some pipettes. Invite your little ones to explore the snow by using the coloured water to mark make, if they’re older, maybe they could even write their name using some watercolour paint.
2. Frozen water experiment - all you need is a glass jar and some water. Pour your water into the jar. Leave outside overnight and see how well it’s frozen in the cold weather. We like to make this a bit more exciting by making rainbow colour jars, so you would have seven. We even make it into a xylophone by changing the level of water in each jar. And then once the water is frozen, you see if that changes the way the it sounds.
3.Winter walk - it’s really important that you know how long the walk is going to last to get to and from, so that you’re not outside to them in the cold. We don’t mind a cold and we always wear layers so we can go for quite a longer walk, but I always take hot drinks or make sure we pit stop somewhere warm like a café. A winter walk can be so magical. Everything looks so different under a blanket, a frost or a couple of inches of snow. You can even make it into a trial see what the little ones can find. We like to go and feed the ducks during the winter, but you must stay away from the frozen water. It’s not safe.
4. Frozen bubbles - have you ever blown a bubble in the morning frost, if you haven’t, do it! It is the coolest thing ever, and you can literally see the bubble freezing in front of your eyes as it solidifies. They don’t stay very long but it is really cool to see.
5. Build a snowman - the best activity to do in the snow of course, is to build a snowman. You can be as simple or creative as you like. The boys made one with a daddy, this year, a little decorated, the snowman using his pinecones and conkers he found during autumn. It’s magical experience and you will make the most beautiful memories together.
Do you have any fond memories of winter as a child would love to hear them! As I was, if you enjoyed reading, comment like and share! Have a lovely winter and stay safe, if you have any other ideas, would love to hear them in the comments!